Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lifeclass - The power of I AM with Joel Osteen

What follows I AM will come looking for you.

Words have creative power. Use the words to bless your future. Words are like electricity. If use incorrectly it can harm you. Never say anything negative about yourself. Don’t be against yourself. Don’t talk about the way you are, but what you want to be. Start talking like the person you want to be. Plant positive seeds in your mind.

Don’t let things push you down. Change your attitude. Shake off the inferiority. Change in the inside before you can see a change in your inside.

Here is a list of a few I AM affirmations for you to invite these things to your life:

I AM blessed
I AM amazing
I AM wonderful
I AM a masterpiece
I AM abundant
I AM valuable
I AM vibrant
I AM Confident
I AM beautiful
I AM fearfully made
I AM excited about my future
I AM victorious
I AM health
I AM getting better and better
I AM a good learner
I AM smart

Let the right I AM come out of your mouth and be the ones that define your life.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Notes from "The False Power of Ego"

You are more than what you see.

Love yourself. Know who you are.

You are not the shape of your body, your position, your house.

Understanding the ego is having the awareness of your true self and your ego self.

Connect with your true self, with the power that lies withing. Make that connection to your true self so you don;t have to operate form ego. The ability to know the truth of yourself and to have awareness is how you disconnect from the ego.

Operating out of fear you are always going to be scared.

You are not the thoughts on your head or the things that surround you.

When you acknowledge your ego, you diminish its power.

Ways ego shows up in your life:

- Buying things you can't afford and didn't need

- Pretending to be someone you are not.

Keep ego on check.

Ego feeds on wanting.

Discover and uncover the truth of who we really are.


Nothing matters in terms of defining who you really are!

Notes from Lifeclass lesson: Letting go of anger

When past defines your present you are not living the life that you should.

Holding onto anger can set you back from living the life you were bent to live.

Everything in life is a mirror.

Learn to release anger that is causing you harm. Letting go of the anger to get teh mud out of your wings

Let go of the past.

Have the willingness to change perception.

We cannot change the past.

Forgiving is giving up the hope that the past could be any different.

"Anger and bitterness are emotional termites" ~ Terry McMillen

Do not hold onto grudges.

Live present moments. Move forward to access the power we all have.

"Releasing anger allows beauty to come back into your life" ~ Oprah

You don't forgive for the other person but for yourself.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Notes on Lesson #24: Newton's third law

For every action there is an equal & opposite reaction.

Your life reflects back at you who you are all of the time.

The energy you put out comes back at you all the time.

Who do you want to BE in the world?

Emotions & thoughts are frequencies of energy that always come back to us.

Every action we take creates a reaction in the world, the sum of all those reactions is what we call our life.

You are responsible for your actions and the intention is what always determines what the effect is going to be.

Before you take any action, stop to clarify your intentions. Make sure your intentions are good, and good will be returned to you.

If you are angry in your life you are going to draw angry people.

If you are surrounded by negative people there is a part of you willing to tolerate that.

How can I serve?

Everything you do, including your mistakes, will show you how to change your energy to create a better life that is true to your essential self.

Everything we think and say comes back to us with the same energy.

Notes on Lesson # 22: Plague of America - Living a financial lie

If you are living a financial lie, you will never realize your full potential.

Don't disrespect money.

Spending money you don't have is an attempt to fill a void in your inner life.

What is important is relationships not materialism

Relationships matter not things.

Your desire to improve creates the energetic path that allows you to do better.

You are the CEO of your family.

Participate in activities that involve spending more quality time with your loved ones without spending money.

Respect money, and teach your children to respect it too.

Help your children learn the importance of making smart money decisions.

Lying to your partner or spouse about your finances is a recipe for disaster.

"FICO first then sex" comment by Suze Orman

Notes on Lesson #19: Step out of the box

Time to shake things up.

Do something out of the ordinary for you.

When you do what you ordinarily wouldn't your whole life expands.

Get out of your rut. It can be as simple as changing what you wear.

Doing the thing you thought you couldn't opens your mind to wonder "what else can I do?"

if you want something you have never have you have to do something you have never done.

Notes on Lesson #18: Do your eyes light up when your child walks in the room? - Everybody is looking for validation

Everybody wants to be seeing.

The common denominator in our own experience is that we all want to be validated.

Oprah's most profound moment on the Avatar movie is when Avatar says: "I see you."

Extending yourself you show compassion changes all your relationships exponentially.

when one human being validates another's inner experience, that's what bonds, strengthens and expands human connections.

When someone can't give you what you need, then move on.

People can only give you what they have.

You carry the energy of your childhood into your relationships.

Do your eyes light up when your children enter the room?

The worst thing you can do to a person is make them invisible.

We are all looking for the same thing to be seen and validated.